Belmont Vets's home page
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Book An Appointment

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Appointment prices

  Standard Price
Consultation/re-examination £51.00 - £57.00
Small animal consult/re-exam £45.00 - £50.00

Prices vary depending on what vaccine is required. If you are part of our Lifetime care club, they will either be included in your plan or receive a discount. Please call the practice for more information if needed.

£65.00 - £85.00
6 month Healthy Pet Check FOC for Lifetime Care Club
£24.99 for non-members
Nail Clip £32.00

Dental Examination
Nurse dental checks are available FOC for advice/dental recommendation but for any dental related issues, a vet consultation will apply. 

FOC or £57.00
Anal Gland Expression
(price varies based on an appointment with vet or nurse)
£37.50 - £57.00
Wellness Screening £85.00
Kitten 1st Vaccination £85.00
Puppy 1st Vaccination £85.00

Online booking is managed on our behalf by Vetstoria. Further details can be found in our Terms and Conditions.